We support and encourage visionary governance, exemplary management, excellent service and program delivery, and exceptional staff. We value and uphold the highest ethical and professional standards in all working relations.

Board member and children at United for GSM #Souper-bowl
We are blessed to have a Good Samaritan Board made up of 9-15 people who represent a cross section of Brown County. We have retirees, business owners, and educators to name a few. The board represents a variety of churches, ages, and ethnic diversity. Each member is asked to serve a three year term and may serve a consecutive three year term. Our board has a heart and passion for mission outreach and advocates for the ministry in their own diverse circles of influence. Every board member gives of their time, talent, and treasure.

Good Samaritan Ministries takes pride in its people and believes our people are our greatest asset. Our staff consists of two full time employees and twelve part-time employees. We have chosen the best to serve and partner with in this ministry. We are brothers and sisters in Christ united in a common goal.
Thank you to our generous sponsors:
Howard Payne University
Prosperity Bank
Texas Clean
BKCW Insurance Agency