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Mission & History

Mission Statement

The mission of Good Samaritan Ministries is to proclaim the Gospel in both word and deed to all people in need in Brown County, Texas. 



Groundwork for Good Samaritan Ministries was laid in 1990 when a representative from the Baptist General Convention of Texas’ Church and Community Ministries Department visited our Baptist Association here in Brownwood and discussed with several interested individuals from the Baptist churches the need for a Christian social ministry in our area.

Coming out of that meeting was an interest and a commitment on the part of several individuals to create a formalized Christian social ministry in our county. A task force was formed headed by Pastor Rick McClatchy to survey our area for needs and to discover existing helping ministries and agencies already in our community. From information gathered, a Community Service Guide was published and recommendations for a plan of action were presented at the annual meeting of the Brown Baptist Association in October, 1992. The recommendations were approved and a Christian Social Ministries Committee was appointed to carry out the recommendations adopted by the Association to start a formal social ministry that would serve all of Brown County.

In 1993, a name was chosen—Heart of Texas Good Samaritan Ministries. It was determined that the ministry would be a centralized location for all Christian churches in the county to pool their financial resources to provide help for the poor. It would also provide a center for church groups, individuals and the community to volunteer their time and talents to doing local mission work.  The ministry was incorporated with the state of Texas as a non-profit corporation. In September, a director was hired and operations began in October at the Sunset Mission near Sunset Terrace Apartments. The initial ministries focused on food and clothing.

In September, 1994 a 9,500 square foot building was purchased in downtown Brownwood. The ministry was moved to that location and operations began there in December. Three more ministries were added: Samaritan Aid (assistance with utility and rent), Help for Health (medical and dental assistance), and a school supply program.

Over the years Good Samaritan Ministries has become  a vital part of our community.  We were founded to serve a growing segment of our community in need of life's most basic necessities.  We have continued to grow with the help of our donors and volunteers who make our mission possible. Through all these years our purpose still remains the same: bring services to those in need.


Thank you to our generous sponsors:

  • Chick-fil-A
  • Howard Payne University
    Howard Payne University
  • Prosperity Bank
    Prosperity Bank
  • Texas Clean
    Texas Clean
  • BKCW Insurance Agency
    BKCW Insurance Agency
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